Friday, August 31, 2012

So we're going to try something new...

Timed Intercourse.

This post may be considered "TMI" if the word intercourse offends you. If this is the case, stop reading now. Otherwise... please continue. I say this because I know some people don't like reading the word sex, or intercourse. They don't like thinking about sex, or they basically just get uncomfortable about the whole thing in general, so this is your final warning.

My husband has decided.

We discussed, in a little bit of length, the possibility of trying Timed Intercourse. We have NOT discussed this with my doctor however, but I don't think it would cause too much of an issue. Either way we're trying for a baby. We're just opting to run the whole marathon as opposed to the short sprint. Plus... we have money to think about.

Let me break this down, so you get it.

From the wonderful movie, Bridesmaids, "Help me, I'm poor." :)
Now, we aren't POOR poor... just working middle class. But that doesn't change the fact that money does not grow on trees and we have limited funds to work with. Every ultrasound that I have costs me a copay of $20 at the time of my visit. I have two ultrasounds a cycle, $40. Plus if insurance kicks back and says they won't cover that, I also owe anything that comes back. $40 doesn't seem too bad. And it's not. It's what comes after that that gets us.

These are rounded to the nearest dollar and are one cycle's worth, or one month's worth, of costs.

Medication:Metformin - $13.00
Clomid - $50.00
Thyroid - $8.00
Ovdrel - $150.00

Progesterone (possibility) - 198.00

We are at $221.00 without the progesterone. Add that in and we are at $419.00 in medication costs ALONE. I haven't even listed the prices for IUI and my husband's sperm washing.

IUI - $185.00
Sperm Wash - $150.00
Total cost - $335.00

So $221.00 and $335.00 gets me $556.00 Add in the possible progesterone = $754.00. (not including the original $40 for ultrasound copayments!)
Every cycle.

So I have the option of saving $335.00 this cycle. We're doing it. A lot of people I know think that people who undergo Fertility Treatments are RICH. I am not rich. I don't have nice cars or fancy clothes. I live in an APARTMENT that is messy more often than not. I work 40 hours a week to barely scrape by on bill payments. But I will do whatever I can to have a child of my own. I dropped my medical insurance at work because they weren't covering the treatments anyway, so what was the point of paying $600 a MONTH to have insurance I couldn't even use? Right. Exactly. It just really bugs me when people have this assumption that the people who undergo fertility treatments are rich.

We just need a little help. 

So the husband and I are doing Timed Intercourse this cycle. I told my mom, "who freakin' knows. It'll probably work this time." And ya know what? The odds are almost identical to each other. You only have a 20% chance of conception each ovulation period. And did you know that sperm actually live longer when they are not processed and washed in a sterile solution? A normal, unwashed sperm can live up to five days inside of a woman. A washed sperm has a life span of 24-48 hours. Don't know about you, but I'll try the five days this round. Hopefully I'll have some positive news to report next post!

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