Tuesday, August 7, 2012

On the edge of seventeen.

Had another ultrasound today.

As of Saturday I started out with five follicles all measuring between nine and twelve millimeters. As of today, I have one follicle measure 17 millimeters and another measuring around twelve-thirteen millimeters. The others have decided that Ms. 17 is the boss and faded into the background. The NP explained it to me this way, "this is why humans don't have litters like dogs or cats. We start out with a few players in the game and once they hit a certain measurement one or two of them decide to become leaders or bosses and absorb the majority of the hormones and estrogen you're producing in order to produce a mature egg. Which is why humans typically have one baby at a time and dogs and cats end up with five or six babies." I understand it when said like this. It's nice to know the follicle on my left ovary thinks it's the boss. Ironically enough the follicle that was the biggest last cycle also happened to be on my left ovary. Hmm...

I read something interesting...

Just because I have a mature follicle, does not mean it will release an egg. Well, that sucks. I'm kind of counting on the release of an egg here, folly... I also read that while typically a mature follicle is between 20-23 millimeters (what my doctors like to see), they can also be "mature" at 15 millimeters and release an egg as well. Interesting right? Well, at least I think it is...

So based off of my results today,

I will give myself my trigger shot between 8:00am and 10:00am on Thursday morning with IUI number two on Friday morning at 10:15am. I am in significantly better spirits about round two than I was about round one. I'm not exactly sure why though. I think it may be due to the fact that everything has gone so smoothly this time, whereas in the first cycle it lasted two-three weeks longer because I didn't get my period when they anticipated. I ended up having to take Provera to get a period. This time? No Provera needed. I was ecstatic! Still am... I also think that this time around my trigger shot is timed better than the first time. I was told that once a dominant follicle makes itself known, it grows roughly two millimeters a day. If this is actually the case my Ms. 17 folly will be between 21 and 22 millimeters on Thursday. Last cycle they had my take my trigger shot with my follicle only being at 18 millimeters. So naturally... I have more faith in round two. :)

We shall see though! 

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