Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Rant Time.

It doesn't feel like a Monday to me.

It needs to be rainy or gross outside to feel like an actual Monday. I'm not down with it being a beautiful day today. I've basically been on a roll since I got into work today. Between bossy coworkers and coworkers not knowing what to do when scheduling appointments, it's just driving me insane. Granted though, everything has been driving me a little insane lately. I realize that not everyone thinks the same way that I do, but a lot of the scheduling protocol should revolve around common sense. Don't put into the description box that a patient hasn't been seen in over five years, but then not actually put the last time they were here. It makes finding that chart extremely difficult, and now I have to take time to call you and ask you to tell me what year they were last seen when you should have already put it in the box in the first place. I wasted ten minutes of my life that could have been so easily avoided. *End Rant*

I've been busy.

Basically, I have just been super cleaning my apartment. But hey... it's crunch time. My "Spring Cleaning" has been building up for the past five years that I've lived in that place. It's about time for a major overhaul. My husband is painting one of our friend's houses and one of the colors is a pretty purple-ish color. So he told me if there is anything left we could have it for the spare bedroom. I don't know if I'd rather have an accent wall or a couple stripes around the walls. *shrug* My landlord might not be too pleased with me as a tenant, but I'm none to pleased with her as a landlord so I guess that makes us relatively even. My landlord, don't get me wrong, is a great landlord... she maintains the crap out of those bushes out front... and doesn't mind our rent being late as long as it's paid by the end of the month (along with the $35 late fee), but as an interior fixer-upper person? Horrible. We've had to fix a lot of things on our own and then there are certain things that she was supposed to return to fix (our front screen door) and never returned. Our front door hasn't had a handle on it for about a year now. So yes. I'm painting a wall purple-ish as my revenge.

I rehomed my cat.

Izzy Bear. He is a spectacular feline specimen. He truly is, but with also having Vegas the workload of the litter boxes and the cost of litter and food alone was driving the husband a little crazy. So we compromised on rehoming one of my precious fur children. Izzy is SO loving though it didn't take long at all for him to find a home. However, yesterday the person we rehomed him to dropped a bomb on us and said she had to get rid of him as well as her own cat due to health reasons. So now my mother-in-law has custody of him. :) I'm actually more okay with this option because we'll still be able to see him when we go over there. He didn't seem to mind too much being there either, but I know he's very upset with me for "abandoning" him. *sigh*

Only time will tell...