Friday, June 22, 2012

Ultrasounds and Clomid!

I had another ultrasound today.

I'm also on day FOUR of my cycle, so you can imagine how awkward that was... but that was kind of the point of it. To make sure I had no cysts develop and that my ovaries and lining and all that jazz were looking good. Which they are! So I'm very excited to report that I will begin my Clomid today. :) This of course is pending the results of my in-office pregnancy blood draw. Obviously they don't want me taking fertility drugs if I'm already pregnant. But seeing as I am currently on my period I highly doubt I'm pregnant, but hey, stranger things have happened. The pictures were neat. That's one thing I didn't do last time I had an ultrasound. I didn't ask to see the pictures. Well today I did just because I was curious and stuff like that is always interesting to me. I got to see my newly shed lining as well. Haha. :) The only downside to a vaginal ultrasound while on your period... CRAMPS. Ugh. Sorry.

My ovaries are normal size.

I was kind of happy to hear this since I have PCOS and people with PCOS tend to have larger ovaries. So as I said before, I have every single PCOS symptom EXCEPT actual cysts and now except for large ovaries. You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear your ovaries are "normal" when everything else about you is not. The other thing that I was told was that there were "plenty of eggs at the ready!" Now... I wish I would have said, "define 'plenty' to me" because how many eggs exactly does that mean? The only thing that really clicked was "more than one egg at once." Who flippin' cares though, I have eggs! :) And now I have Clomid to make more eggs! ::happy dance::

Everything is in super-sonic ultra drive!

I wouldn't have it any other way though. I start my Clomid tonight, my hysterosonogram is set up for Thursday (my husband is seeing if he can get off work to come with me), and then depending on the results of that and how big my follicles are will be when I shoot myself up with some Ovidrel. That sounds bad... depending on those results will be when they tell me when I can inject myself with my "trigger" medication. :) Much better. My husband and I have opted for the IUI. Well, in reality I opted for it and he's just kind of along for the ride. He told me it didn't matter to him so it was ultimately my decision anyway. But that also depends on the follicle size. I was on the fence for a long time about TI and IUI, but I finally posed the winning argument for IUI. My husband and I have been trying for three years to conceive a child "naturally" and it obviously has resulted in a negative outcome. It's a lot more FUN, no doubt... but if we were able to do this "naturally" we wouldn't be in this position to begin with. So I'm skipping the at-home attempt altogether and going straight at it, guns blazing. The way my body is responding to the medications, I don't think it could be a bad thing. And if we end up with a baby or two out of it who could argue?

Twins would be marvelous.

I think I've wanted twins since I started playing with baby dolls. My husband is even on board with twins (as long as one is a boy). People might think I'm crazy, and say ONE baby is hard, let alone two, but for me? Twins would be marvelous.


  1. Well, I can tell you... twins ARE marvelous. I did the Clomid, trigger, and IUI. I will never forget when the intern said there were two blobs and the doctor took over and said "lets make sure there are no more." I think my heart stopped then and there.

    I will tell you-- and the doctor will probably tell you too-- still baby dance the night before the IUI and the night of... you gotta cover all your bases! LOL

    Where are you going? Kettering Medical Center Reproductive Medicine is where I went.

    It took me a long time to get over the "unnatural" was of getting pregnant. I was worried that people would look at me as tempting fate and playing God. But, it was SO worth it. I have my babies.

    Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

    Be ready... the HSG test HURTS. I didn't even go back to work that day. Its kinda cool though, because at least with mine, I was able to watch on the screen to see what they were looking at.

    1. I am going to KRM! I have to say, I think it was my best choice. I've heard from a couple of my coworkers that went through the treatments that it (the HSG) didn't hurt at all. So I'm guessing it must be a pain tolerance thing? I have a pretty high level so I'm hoping it doesn't bother me too too much.
