Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Shots, shots, shots, EVERYBODY!

Oh jeez...

I drive back and forth for my job. Quite a bit. I don't mind it though, in fact, I rather enjoy it. I work for two pediatricians and they each basically have their own offices. I mainly work at one location, but I drive back and forth if a patient chart I need happens to be at the other place and if they need something from our office I bring it to them. I also PREP all of the charts for the next day. Talk about busy! But I like it. So on my morning trip today I came back to my office and one of my coworkers says, "you have a package here!" I had to think about it for a minute. Why would I have a package come to me at work? Oh. Right. I forgot. My shot.

My shot is in the refrigerator. 

I haven't gone in the back room to find it either. I figure it can't get into too much trouble back there, and it's away from all of the vaccines so there's no chance of a mix-up. The information is still swimming around in my brain. MY SHOT IS HERE!!!! That just makes it more real. And for $97.53 it BETTER feel more real. That's more than a whole round of Kindergarten shots. Well, maybe half a round, but still. I can keep it refrigerated for up to 30 days before it expires, so I'm praying upon praying that I start my blasted period this month. My last day of the Provera is tomorrow so hopefully I start in the next couple of days. If I do start, I call my Endo on day one. If I DON'T start I still call my Endo and another round of blood work will more than likely follow or a stronger dose of the medication will be prescribed.

I just feel like screaming at myself.

Not a bad scream. Just more of a "COME ON SELF! WORK!" :) You would think that with as much as I'm paying out of pocket for the medications and stuff, that I would be dreading the majority of it, but I'm not. I'm even reconciled to giving myself my SHOT! Never thought I'd say that... I'm excited to give myself a shot. What is the world coming too...

Motherhood! I'm coming for you!

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