Thursday, June 14, 2012

More results, Work, and Exhaustion.

I got my other test results back.

The doctor wanted my thyroid and my prolactin level retested. And I am proud to say that my results came back "better than before!" :) So the nurse informed me, "no other lab work is needed at this time." I'm beyond happy! :) But it makes me wonder what my levels were this time. Maybe I'll call back and find out?

But then there's this other problem...

I'm TIRED. Exhausted without doing anything, tired and I don't know why. I left work an hour early yesterday because I was falling asleep sitting up. I was also done with all of my work and had partially prepped up until Tuesday so I was somewhat bored. But I've NEVER fallen asleep at work. I asked my office manager if I could go and it's just amazing how much support I have at work. Just knowing that I can talk to them about all of this is awesome. She understood completely and allowed me to go home. I ended up taking about an hour and a half nap, woke up and made dinner, went to bed at around 10:30pm or so and then ended up waking up at 3:30am and not being able to get back to sleep. :( I don't know if my medication is what's causing the insomnia, but I know there was a warning on ONE of them that it may.

Speaking of work...

One of my coworkers actually went through infertility treatments to get pregnant with her first child. When I told her that for the past week I just felt exhausted she told me that this was a GOOD thing. That was when she told me about her experience with this, and that she also has PCOS and was put on a lot of the same medication I am. She actually went to see one of the doctors in the same practice that I am. So now that I know that I feel like I'm super not alone in this journey and that I can go to her for advice since she's been through it. She told me that the tiredness is just my hormones getting back in gear. Well I hope she's right because this being tired thing sucks. I know it's nothing like when a baby (or two) will be here though, so I'm done complaining about it.

Until next time!

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