Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stimming and Baby dust.

Long time. I know. 

At least it feels like I haven't written in forever. I told everyone we were "taking a break,"  when in reality we really aren't. It's super less stressful on me. So as a result my body has responded amazingly to the medication. I took Clomid starting on September 30th through October 3rd then I started my injectable drugs on the 3rd as well. I have been taking them like clockwork every day and am very proud of myself. They have me on Gonal-f.  My only complaint (other than stabbing myself in the belly with a needle every day) is the BRUISING that comes with it. Usually I will just bruise a tiny bit by the injection site and it's gone in two days, but yesterday I noticed that I have a gigantic bruise. It's purple-blue and very not pretty to look it. But it's not painful. I do think I'll avoid my right side for the remainder of the injections. Luckily for me my last injection of the medication is tomorrow. They had me on a low dose to begin with at only 37.5 units until yesterday.

My estrogen level came back at 77.

They told me this was good, but the doctor wanted to raise my dosage of the Gonal-f to 75 units for yesterday and today. Then on Wednesday he wants me to dose myself at 150 units and then take my Ovidrel injection that night as well at 10:00pm. This cycle has gone SUPER fast. I only had to go get my follicles checked once when normally I go two-four additional times to recheck them. As of yesterday at 8:15am I have one follicle measuring at 16mm and a second at 12mm. By Wednesday they should both be mature enough to release an egg. I also have a smaller 7-8mm folly on the other side that COULD grow as well, but it isn't as likely. It was actually quite comical yesterday when my doctor told me I responded beautifully and that he didn't need to have me come back at all. He scheduled the IUI for this Friday at 10:00am. My husband has his appointment at 8:00am. It's just really crazy that I didn't have to go back for a recheck. I still can't wrap my head all the way around that. I actually had to call my pharmacy to have my Ovidrel shipped out yesterday for today instead of Wednesday for Thursday. I was totally not prepared to have them tell me that I'll trigger Wednesday.

Keeping fingers crossed.

If pregnancy does NOT happen this month. We really ARE taking a break... especially with the holidays fast approaching we don't want to be super stressed out. So this is our last attempt until January. Wish us luck and baby dust please. :)

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