Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fertility Friend.

I've been using this dumb website...

I say "dumb website" because I don't understand it. I have all of my information plugged in since June, but it's telling me that for this cycle there is "no ovulation predicted." Well why not? If this site is so smart and uses patterns to detect ovulation then it should tell me something, right?! It DID tell me that my cycles run an average of 30-32 days though, which is normal for women with PCOS. It makes ovulation detection a bitch though... clearly. I'm also only on cycle day number TWO! So I've got a long way to go... it does have little colored boxes around October 8th through 10th with another different colored box around October 26th. So I think it's predicting my ovulation and when I should take a pregnancy test... even though it's telling me it's NOT. Stupid website... Oh by the way, the pregnancy test (for this round) was negative... if that wasn't obvious from the start.

So we enter round four.

When the nurse called me with my progesterone results and they were only at 6, let's just say I was a little less than optimistic that our trial at home was successful. I was crossing my fingers and toes and eyes and anything that would cross, but it didn't matter. *sigh* I had a talk with my husband about taking a break. He's okay with it, but I think he's okay with whatever I want to do. And I want a break. I think. I'm on such a high dosage of Clomid that I'm worried about over stimulation; my poor ovaries need a break. I don't think they've worked this hard EVER. My husband reassured me two weeks ago that he's "okay with not having kids." Well... I'm not okay with that. This is kind of a deal breaker for me. I've wanted children since I can remember and if I can't have my own I want to adopt or foster. And he does not want to do either of those things. It makes me sad and frustrated because I know he knows I feel about children... anyway, moving on.

I'm going to talk to my doctor at my ultrasound.

I figure I'll go ahead and go in and make sure my ovaries are okay, my lining is fine, etc. My period is being wacky. I started spotting on the 23rd, then it got a little heavier on the 24th, but still VERY light. Yesterday was more consistent, but also LIGHT and today was super light to non-existent spotty like. BUT my two home pregnancy tests came back negative so I don't know what my body is doing. No cramps either. It's annoying. But anyway, I'm definitely going to talk to my doctor at the ultrasound and see if he recommends me taking a month off or not. He wants to put my on injectables. Whatever those are... I'm sure we'll discuss those as well. I'm leaning more toward a break and THEN jumping into the injectable drugs, but I don't want my body to just stop working and go back to it's non-ovulatory state. Which it might be doing with this light spotting crap.

Who knew having a baby would be this hard.

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