Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Give me a break.

Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat Bar.

My "October break" resulted in a negative. I was so positive about this cycle too! I had two really good follicles, and my husband had a good count... but alas. Negative. :( Now we seriously ARE taking a break. Not just telling people we are. It's frustrating... so, so frustrating. I know this is a good thing though, especially for my mental health, my emotional health, and my financial circumstances. This really is taking a toll on our bank account.

Talk about a stress relief.

When I talked to the doctor on Monday I told them that I had started my cycle and taken two home pregnancy tests (both being negative). I also asked if it would be okay if my husband and I took a "break" for a couple months. Just until the holidays and the stress ball that is Christmas is over with. They said that it was fine to do that and that it wouldn't alter my treatment plan in any way. I would be fine to pick up right where I left off as soon as I wanted to. I told them I would most likely call them in January. They also said if we were to conceive on our own during our two month hiatus to call them and they'll monitor me for the first twelve weeks.

The good news?

I know around the time I ovulate now, BUT that is while on medication. I won't be on my fertility drugs (Ovidrel & Gonal-F) during the break. I will however continue to take my Metformin, Aspirin, Prenatal, Co-Q10, and any other vitamins I want to take. I also plan on continuing my Clomid. I'll start that tomorrow. Just because I know it will help me to ovulate. I may not be triggering my ovulation, but I know I'll ovulate and possibly conceive on our own. I'm just really not thinking it will happen like that. I honestly think that it's going to take IVF to get my hostile uterus to accept pregnancy. *sigh* Not saying I have a hostile uterus or anything... but if the shoe fits I might as well wear it.

I am welcoming this REAL LIVE break with open arms.

This way I can concentrate on buying Christmas presents for my four nephews, three nieces, my five sisters-in-law, two brothers-in-law, three brothers, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law and my husband. My husband will normally help me with shopping for the younger kids... two of my sisters-in-law are under the age of 16, as well as one of my brothers-in-law. The rest are older and have kids of their own (the nieces and nephews). My husband has an American family, what can I say? I just have my three brothers. :)

Needless to say, I have plenty of children to hold me over on holidays until I have my own.

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