Monday, July 9, 2012

Today is the greatest...

I had my IUI this morning...

I was so nervous this morning. My husband's appointment was easy (according to him it wasn't, but whatever). My appointment was easy also, but nerve wracking. Mainly because I was there two hours before I actually had to be. My husband's appointment was scheduled at 8:30am and the actual IUI wasn't until 10:30am so we had plenty of time to kill once his appointment was over with. We went to breakfast, and then just walked around the hospital gift shop (which only killed an hour). After that we just went back up and waited the remaining hour and a half in the waiting room. It went by fast (for me) because I was reading parenting magazines and watching Dr. Phil... my husband wanted his ESPN (naturally).

About time!

Once we were (finally) called back the actual procedure took all of maybe two minutes. I was on the table, poke, in goes catheter, cramp, in goes sperm, done. Literally. Then I got to relax on the table for six whole minutes until I was allowed to move/get up. Let me tell you, that six minutes went by super fast. The doctor told me that I would probably experience a little bit of mild cramping, but other than that I'm free to go about my every day activities. I got set up with lab orders; one next Monday to test my progesterone level, and then one the following Monday (two weeks from today), for a pregnancy blood draw. Crazy, right?

 I'm not excited.

 Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited. The answer? No. Not really... I say "yes" because it IS supposed to be exciting... but I won't be excited until I see a positive pregnancy test. I don't want to get myself all worked up and then see a negative result. It would crush me. It's just so much easier for me to let others be excited instead. I know how badly I want this. It seems like everyone else wants it just as badly for me, so I'll let them bounce up and down while I wait patiently. Someone asked me if it was going to be the longest two weeks of my life. No... probably not. My weeks go by relatively quickly, so that's not going to bother me. What WILL bother me is how many people are going to ask me on that particular Monday if I'm pregnant or not. Well... maybe not. It depends on my mood. I also found out today that one of my favorite coworkers is two weeks pregnant! I AM excited for her. She had a dream a few weeks ago that me, her, and another girl we work with were all pregnant at the same time. :) I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want that to happen. :) Let's hope she's psychic! Hehe.

I don't feel crampy at all...

I honestly feel very good. There is a slight "tugging" sensation in my belly, but I'm assuming that's the "mild cramping" that the doctor told me about. I can't really explain it because it comes and goes and it isn't full blown cramps, so "tugging" is what comes to mind. That or like shaking a bowl of jello and watching it jiggle, only it's INSIDE? Yeah... not a good explanation, but it's all I've got.  My husband is so adorable. When I was leaving the house (I stopped off for a PB&J) he told me, "take care of my belly!" :) I'm really hoping this works the first time for him. I know he has his hopes up and I would hate for him to be heartbroken. The average success rate of IUI is only 10-20%, so we'll see. I am still crossing my fingers for twins as well. I've been watching all of those "Make room for Multiples" and "I didn't know I was pregnant" episodes on TLC. What? They're very educational. :) It drives my husband nuts, but I don't care. I do what I want. :) 

My shot.

I had to inject myself with my trigger shot on Saturday night. You should have seen me. It was hilarious, I'm sure. I got my shot ready at 10:25pm since I needed to take it at 10:30pm. I got myself all worked up for it and everything! Well, I went into my bathroom, shut and locked the door, and took the shot out of the package and tapped it with my finger to release the air bubbles (I felt like a nurse). I then pushed the plunger until a little drop of liquid came out of the needle signaling that it was ready to inject. I pinched my belly like I was shown, and brought the needle to my skin... and froze. Pulled the needle away, took a deep breath and told myself I could do this. I tried again. Pinch the belly, bring the needle up to skin... froze. At this point I was starting to get upset and started jumping up and down and being whiny. I opened the bathroom door and told my husband I didn't think I could do it. He told me he could do it for me so I handed him the needle and as soon as he said, "Okay, pinch your belly," I told him "NO! I can do it." and pushed him back out of the bathroom. ::shakes head:: After another minute or so he yelled, "some of us need to go to sleep!" Then I knew I better get a move on and just bite the bullet. I pinched my belly, and pressed the needle into my skin. I thought I messed it up because I didn't feel anything. So I pulled the needle back out and looked at it. Then I realized, "I didn't feel anything..." and just pushed the needle in and injected the medication. I then looked in the mirror and kind of laughed at myself at how stupid I was. I checked the clock afterward and found that all of that fuss and hesitation added up to seven minutes. So at 10:37pm I gave myself a shot. Such an awesome moment for me. You might be laughing at me (trust me, I am too), but I'm proud of myself. :)


I'll know in two weeks if all of this worked.  Come on 10-20%! Let's do this!

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