Friday, July 6, 2012

This just got REAL...

Ultrasound appointment today!

If you've been following along (thanks!), then you know all about my PCOS, and follicles, and IR and all that other lovely stuff. You also know that I was put on a second, higher dosage of the Clomid to get a response out of my ovaries/follicles. Well... it worked. I went in for my ultrasound today just to see how my follicles were progressing and if I would be ready for my trigger shot or not. I've been crossing my fingers all week for a good result and it finally came. One of the follicles on my right ovary measured at 18mm today. The doctor told me they like for them to be in between 20mm and 25mm, but I should be there by tomorrow... And TOMORROW I take my trigger shot. Holy crap!

It's all moving so quickly!

I thought it was moving quickly before, but now I'm slightly overwhelmed. I mean, I want this. I know I'm ready for this, but now that it's within my reach I'm like... Holy crap. I had two follicles on my left ovary that were measuring at a good size as well, so three juicy follicles for this lady! I'm not too nervous about my shot. Surprising actually. But they told me that I should go ahead and take it tomorrow night at around 10:30pm. Then, since we did opt for the IUI, my husband has an appointment on Monday at 8:30am to provide a sample and my actual IUI appointment is at 10:30am. I need to call my boss and let her know, but I hate to bother her with all this (she's on vacation). I know she needs to be aware though that come Monday morning I'm not going to be at work. I mean... it's not like I can reschedule this appointment.

AGGHHHHH!!!! I'm so excited!!!

This means in a little over two weeks I might be pregnant. I'm hoping for a miracle and that it happens on the first go, but I'm going to be as realistic as possible about all of this as well. My body is a war zone, and my 60% miscarriage rate reminds me every day that just because I might get pregnant, doesn't mean I'll stay that way. I can't tell you I'll be overly emotional about it if I DO miscarry... seeing as I'm so well prepared for the possibility of it, but at the same time I don't know. I can't say that because I might just be devastated if it happens. I don't know. All of this just got really real. And I have a ton of things to think about. Main thing though? No stress. In fact, I'm going out with my sister-in-law tonight for a few cocktails. :)

Besides...I'll know in two weeks. 

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