Thursday, July 5, 2012

I feel like I'm on fire.


I have felt horrendous this past week. And I blame it all on the Clomid and other baby making hormones surging throughout my body. Last Sunday I was sitting on the couch and out of nowhere I got this huge dizzy spell. I know that's a side effect of the Clomid, but I was not prepared for the whole room to just start warping around. My husband was like, "are you okay?" I told him I was, but the feeling was just crazy. It only lasted one or two minutes and it didn't happen again, but I was kind of shocked by it. I think my initial response was "Woahhhhhh!!!!" and I told my husband I felt like I was on a bad acid trip :)  (I have never done drugs and I have no idea what an acid trip feels like, but based on reactions in the movies I likened my dizzy spell to that). I finished my second round of Clomid on Monday, so I'm crossing my fingers for my ultrasound tomorrow that my follicles are ready to go! You can help out with this as well by crossing your own fingers! :)

I haven't been sleeping very well.

I blame this on the awful hot flashes I have been experiencing. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to regulate my body temperature at bedtime. I have tried showers before bed to stay cool, sleeping with a sheet, no covers at all, no clothes, hair up, hair down...nothing works. I burn. I feel like I'm on fire. I feel like my whole body is just dripping sweat (and it's not). These hot flashes don't just happen at night either. They happen All. Day. My coworker told me the other day, "I can always tell when you're having a hot flash because your cheeks get all rosy." Jeez.... thanks. My mom told me I should bring this up with my doctor, since he wants me to be getting a decent amount of sleep, and changing from blanket to no blanket every twenty minutes to an hour doesn't help the sleeping process. I've noticed that the hot flashes are worse while taking the Clomid, but I'm still having them now that I have finished taking it. I'm so frustrated! Can anyone tell me if the hot flashes are normal though?? My coworkers tell me they are and that it's mainly my hormones, but me, having never experienced anything like this... I have to wonder.  I also had a bout of nausea on Tuesday, but I blame my antibiotic from my sonogram on that one. I didn't take it with food and ended up wanting to vomit. Two of my coworkers sat me in the back break room with my feet up and cold towels on my forehead and neck. Then one of my other coworkers sent me out to get food for myself, which actually helped a lot.

I also had my first big mood swing yesterday. My husband told me we were going to watch the fireworks (Happy Late Fourth to ya'll) like we did last year. Well we went to my mother-in-law's house before hand and his whole family was there so I assumed we were all walking up together. His sister and her family all left to go up to the river at around 9:00pm (fireworks started at 10:00pm) and my niece asked if we were coming with them. I told her that we would probably walk up a little closer to ten. So around 9:40pm we still haven't left yet, so I asked my husband what we were doing. He says, "I'm just going to stay here." Now... I don't know why I got angry... but I did. Maybe because I was led to believe that I was going to the river and then he just flipped script on me? I don't know, but I was just pissed. So I left. Just kind of walked away from the house without really saying anything to anyone. I walked to the river and watched the fireworks with my sister-in-law. I also told her I was having a mood swing when I got there, but I cheered up almost instantly. My niece and nephews have that affect on me. Especially when talking about favorite fireworks and pokemon planets. :)

Nausea. Mood Swings. And Hot Flashes.
 Will all be worth it in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I get hot flashes all the time with my blood pressure medication, especially at night. (I take it before bed, if not I get crazy head spins) The only solution I've come up with is an ice pack on the wrists and the back of the neck. Good luck! ~Sending good baby vibes your way!~
