Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Postively Progesterone...

It's hard to stay positive.

I don't think it worked. Of course, I didn't expect it to on the first try, but saying it out loud feels depressing. Typing it is depressing. I don't think it worked. No, I haven't tested yet, but it's just a feeling I now have. I'm trying to remain upbeat and positive, but it is SO hard. I got a call from my doctor's office this morning to tell me the results of my progesterone blood draw yesterday. My level is at 1.5. They told me that that is high enough to indicate that I ovulated (which is fantastic), but not where they need it to be to maintain pregnancy. Meaning, that if I don't get my level up and I AM pregnant, I'll miscarry. And I don't test for another week.

I'm on progesterone medication.

The way the doctor's office put it, they're "giving me something to help me along." It's an oral medication that is taken twice daily, but that's not the way I'm taking it. I'm not a shy one, so I'm just going to tell you that I get to take it vaginally. Once before bed, once when I wake up. I've never taken medication like that before so this should prove an interesting experience for me. They want the medication taken this way so that it is absorbed directly into my uterus. They also said that when I test (for pregnancy) if it comes out negative I'll stop taking the progesterone and start my period. And if I test positive then they'll redraw my progesterone level and see where it's at to determine whether or not I still need to take it. They're still crossing their fingers for a positive. I am too, but we'll see. Progesterone is ridiculously expensive. $192.64 worth of expensive. And that's only for a ONE MONTH supply! So hopefully... I don't need it for longer than a month. Otherwise... well, I don't know otherwise...

My coworker did progesterone as well...

She told me not to stress out about it too much. She had to take it twice during her pregnancy and her daughter is perfectly healthy. She did tell me that it freaked her out at the time, but that there is nothing wrong with needing a little progesterone help. :) So that actually does leave me a small amount of hope to cling to. I'm trying. I really am, to be positive. But at this point? I really don't know if it worked. *sigh*

Here we go, Monday.

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