Friday, February 1, 2013


I love my shredder.

I know. It's a pretty awkward way to start writing when I haven't written about Jack Squat in so long. I've never been much of a "blogger" type of person though. I guess I'd rather go out and actually live my life as opposed to writing about HOW I should live it. I dunno. Just me I suppose.

So anyway.... back to my SHREDDER!

I have spent the majority of my day today shredding things. Mainly old documents that no longer apply to my husband and I. Such as: old insurance coverage papers, 2010-11 pay stubs (yes. I shred those), any bank statements or deposit slips from over the years, old checks, etc. A lot of people think I'm crazy for shredding those things, but let's be honest here, shall we? When am I really going to need those old pay stubs from two years ago? Or a bank statement I can reprint offline in less than five seconds? Old checks? Forget about it! Those same people that think I'm crazy usually follow up the statement with, "but what if you get audited?!" Well dear friend, I'll tell you this much, I NEVER keep receipts. I NEVER keep old bills lying around my house. I can't tell you how much I spend on gas in a year. I can't tell you what I spend at the grocery in a year. My husband and I feel the same way about this. If we get audited? We'll probably laugh since neither of us keep a THING.

Some people think this is stupid.

Some people think I AM stupid for not keeping anything. I don't. It goes back to my original point. I'm too busy living my life to let junk pile up in it. I don't need reminders of how much I need to pay a bill. I'm pretty sure I get the same bill every month. If I need gas or groceries, I'll get them. Life is too short to spend worrying about getting audited.

So. I live my life in the best way I can and I spend time shredding things. Believe it or not, it's quite calming. I feel less cluttered emotionally and obviously my cupboards where "important" papers are kept are less cluttered as well.

Have a great Tax Season. ;o)